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Can\'t stop! United States stock market series spawned an all-time high

Alt Can't stop! United States stock market series spawned an all-time highLocal time on July 13, the United States the Dow Jones industrial average and poor's 500 index hit a record closing high point record again. Oriental IC dataUnited States stock markets continue to refresh the record.Local time on July 13, the United States the Dow Jones industrial average and poor's 500 index both hit "4 even Yang", and again hit a record high.Until closing time, the Dow Jones industrial average rose 0.13%, at 18372.12; p rose slightly by 0.01%, at 2152.43 Nasdaq composite index eased back 0.34% to close at 5005.73 points.United States Department of labor in June non-farm payrolls data were announced on July 8, a monthly increase of 287,000 far exceeded market expectations, and its highest growth since October 2015.On that day, Dow and p index, led by strong gains of 1.4% and 1.53%, and the rally continued into today. However, on July 13 the stock gains have been down significantly.Let the market begins the main reason for caution, was released on July 13, the Federal Reserve Beige Book of economic conditions, reaction United States consumer spending has weakened.Beige Book showed that United States June consumer spending is shrinking, as of the end of June, among the 12 regional fed, nearly 50% retail sales fall flat, no area of retail sales were strong, best case scenario is a "modest to moderate" growth.In addition, the United States Treasury announced on July 13, due to the decline in corporate tax, and United States Government's June budget surplus compared to a year earlier, slashing nearly 90%. Speed reduced fees for 1 years operators saidSeveral Federal Reserve officials speaking intensive, distributing reassurance to the market.On July 13, Cleveland Fed President Mestre (Loretta Mester) stated that the June employment numbers rebound, relieving the market to United States concerns weak job markets, United States will usher in greater improvement in the labour market.President of the Dallas Fed Kaplan (Rob Kaplan) were of the view that United States GDP growth will be around 2%, while United States consumption of more robust performance. Speed reduced fees for 1 years operators saidEarlier, the President of the St Louis Fed Brad (James Bullard) reiterated that until 2018 United States will raise interest rates again. President of the Minneapolis Fed Mr kashkari (Neel Kashkari) said, do not see an urgent need to raise rates.Some analysts, stocks narrowed gains, economic data or market waits for the next two days.On July 14 and 15th, United States a lot of upcoming economic data, including first-time claims for unemployment last week, inflation rate, such as retail sales and industrial production.In addition, JPMorgan Chase (JPMorgan Chase), BlackRock (BlackRock), Citi (Citi Bank), Wells Fargo (Wells Fargo) and other financial giants will report results this week reported.BlackRock strategists noted that the decline in Fed rate hike expectations, are bad for financial stocks, but the environment of global monetary easing economic growth is good.