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Regulatory detail into market risk? Agencies say the regulatory fine no problem, as long as institutionalized on the line

Reorganization of abortion occurs frequently, special inspection and instruction the alignment of the window, and even being the contrarian trading exchange information, present a share is monitoring how much firepower is fierce?On August 4, the Xinhua economic information daily reported that preliminary statistics show that only since July, under the influence of policy change, Shenzhen has just 52 listed companies (including undisclosed plan) is announcing the end of major assets restructuring, including SSE 18 34, SSE, the main reason for termination was concentrated in securities market environment and changes in regulatory policies.Further ahead, on July 28, the renfu medicine (600079) announced that SSE received inquiry letters. Among them, one sentence in the letter of inquiry "on that day (July 27), the Shanghai composite lost 1.91%, but your stock market trading", raised on whether the current regulatory detailed discussion in the industry.Financial media on August 1 was published on the front page entitled "man hands" or needs to reflect on the "regulatory fine" has become the biggest market of the risk, said may, now has come the time for serious reflection on specific details of control.Alt Regulatory detail into market risk? Agencies say the regulatory fine no problem, as long as institutionalized on the lineThis of course is only the statements.Minsheng securities chief strategist Li Shaojun also recently pointed out in his research report, strengthening of financial supervision and investor sentiment caused a disturbance, worries after a short gain some free, heated market sentiment gradually eased. The medium and long term, regulation will help improve market regulation, promoting the healthy development of the capital market.An unnamed securities chief analyst's view is, in any case, the regulatory fine no problem, as long as the "institutionalized" on the line."Contrarian trading" will be named as usual?Recently, the concern is a case, the renfu medicine (600079) received a letter of a letter of inquiry.The evening of July 28, renfu medical bulletin said the SSE received inquiry letters. Among them, the SSE has a statement "today (July 27), the Shanghai composite lost 1.91%, but your stock market trading" on July 28, the renfu Pharmaceuticals has suspended one day. This prompted discussion on the exchange of regulatory detailed.Analysts believe that the SSE on men Fu medical inquiries, intended to purge the current "research report".On July 29, the SSE reiterated that could make a serious impact on the company's share price will continue to be to regulate brokerage research reports. SSE's case the same day, in the outside world, points was on July 27, is governed by the relevant research reports to stimulate trading renfu medicine.Moreover, such inquiries are not alone.According to SSE data disclosure, in July this year, day-to-day supervision of such letters were issued by SSE company regulator, 63. Where regulatory inquiries such letters, 44, such letters of regulation 19. Furthermore, SSE has two weeks to market public securities issued a trade regulation case involving call auction, PLM, false declaration, strengthening trend of false declarations, false reporting and inventory in the unusual Declaration by behavior.Letter of inquiry is not arbitrary.According to the Word Press (www.thepaper.CN), such as SSE issued letters of inquiry are required to undergo the trial, review and file keeping in mind the 3 steps, so they sent a letter of inquiry process is not "brains" self-will. Published letters of inquiry standards, surging insider told the news of the close supervision, mainly under the listing rules, the specific case, this requires professional judgment.It is to be noted that, letters of inquiry are not made specially for the contrarian trading unit.Also risen dramatically in recent days, there are master sink (300506), Yangtze River investment (600119) and Langfang development (600149). Langfang has 3 trading days in a row limit, within 4 days or as high as 42.05%. But as of press time, all 3 companies are not due to exception gains were stopped.The securities daily, in a front-page review on August 1, also wrote that Exchange is not just for "trading" behavior, if irregularities on the fallen Panel, the same regulatory measures will be taken. Therefore, the supervision of unusual transactions not weigh on the market, but to regulate the market.Alt Regulatory detail into market risk? Agencies say the regulatory fine no problem, as long as institutionalized on the lineInvestment Bank to reign in the wind to the new BoardIn addition to the listed companies, securities investment banks are increasingly strict regulation of rhythm. Alibaba joined the international coalition againstSome brokerages headquartered in Beijing investment surging news that now feels more rigid supervision, file, and "even the new ban had window guidance".The person to the emotion news, August 3, national SME share transfer system (hereinafter: the unit transfer system, known as the "new Board") in hosting brokerage core guidelines on training, the brokerage announced core staff listed on the standard, seven issues such as quality of capital, financial accounting, said kernel trouble listing broker is revoked or recommend services.So-called core sector, according to the national SME share transfer system to host the brokerage core guidelines (for trial implementation), core institutions should be independent of the recommended business unit, on recommended business involving the recommended file and listing application, due diligence work papers carefully verified and independently exercise their professional judgement.Previously on July 25, the CSRC also sponsor special training organized, clear a series of ideas for IPO tighten supervision, including into the overall sponsorship business security companies will be considered within the risk control system; investment bank on major issues, does not eliminate the possibility of licence for the sponsor recover.While, SFC on again financing audit added two big window Guide: a is company of holding shareholders or holds company shares 5% above of shareholders, through non-public issued stock gets listed company shares of, should directly subscription made, shall not through funding tube products or limited partnership, form participation subscription; II is raised funds investment project of investment constitute in the, raised funds shall not for paid employees wage, and purchase raw materials, business sex spending; for bedding liquidity, and prepared fee, and other costs, of, Equated to raise funds to supplement working capital.In early July, CSRC issued a notice, requiring local regulatory Bureau, 13 securities companies to carry out special inspection of the investment banking business, not less than 2 weeks time. Meanwhile, the SFC also requires brokers to IPO in the project for a new round of self-examination and self-correction.The foregoing investment surging news that regulatory tightening Investment Bank, can be said to be a reflection on a few years ago, "really loose a few years ago", the source continued, is now intended to use the money to those in genuine need in good business.Another small brokerage investment banker said, but according to regulatory requirements, how to do business or how to do business, cautious on new business undertaking.In this regard, the SFC spokesman Zhang Xiaojun, on August 5, answering reporters ' questions, said that the Commission has always stressed that the securities companies, fund management companies and other institutions, in accordance with the compliance steadily developing asset management business, adhering to the "seller's responsibility" principle, performance of honest faith, prudence management's responsibilities. Recently, the Commission published the Securities and futures business corporate interim provisions on the administration of the private asset management business aimed at radical reform, strengthening constraints, securities companies, fund management companies to enhance the operational capacity of the information management level in particular proactive management capacity, better service entities and investors in a wide range of financial needs for economic development.New rules will releaseRegulation on speculation of "strike hard", since May this year have begun.On May 6, the market sources said "the Commission will stay in red-chip companies listed overseas to return to the domestic market" on May 11, and news that "SFC suspended listed companies across defined, and involving the Internet, finance, games, video, VR (virtual reality) four, and four industry mergers and refinancing have been halted."Although officials have yet to come to this position, but the merger and reorganization of the industry cooled. Alibaba joined the international coalition againstNot just limits on industry, on June 17, the listed companies in order to "FRY" cool monitor again after 19 months on merger of listed companies approach revised. New rules abolished the restructuring and listing of supporting and financing, improving the strength requirements for restructuring to curb short-term speculation and hype.On July 15, the Commission issued a document requiring strict restructuring and listing, comprehensive regulation, including strengthening the restructuring and listing description media before the resumption of the project, arranged on the restructuring and listing items on-site inspections, and reorganization for 5 years full-coverage checks and other items listed.Up to now, has ST lion's head (600539), four-way stock (600838), Ningbo, Fubon (600768) held in SSE trading floor listed companies such as restructuring and listing the media briefing.Among them, the ST head and the like after the initiative to terminate the restructuring. SSE said that description of market restraint mechanism to play.On July 22, the securities Times newspaper said in a front page comment, both quit the initiative to abolish, was unable to request through the restructuring and "termination", only one result: good and good assets of listed company mergers will be more and more, this is a good system of bonuses for a long time on the market.On August 5, Commission spokesman Zhang Xiaojun, introduced from June 17 to July 17, the SFC to amend decision open to the public for comment. From the comments received, the proposed, on the whole, all sectors of society "in accordance with law, strict and comprehensive" regulatory restructuring and listing, curb speculation "speculation" support. At present, the Commission is hold on to collate, study them, classified one by one. In accordance with the departmental regulations establish procedures of the restructuring measures under the relevant feedback to further improve will be released in due course.