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From "Shanghai nine" regulation promulgated and implemented the new deal real estate less than a month, recently online has said that contracts signed on or after March 25, social security or tax without continuous, as long as the cumulative pay over the past 63 months to 60 months of age to buy a House, instant execution. The news on Twitter, the micro-circle of friends, various major forums quickly spread.For this a rumors and the minority media on "Shanghai housing limited purchased Central African this city household residents family purchase housing a tax or social security ' continuous paid full 5 years and the above ' adjustment for ' cumulative paid full 5 years and the above '" of reported, Shanghai City live construction through original Bureau official micro-letter public, and official micro-Bo "room can round" Yu April 21 released message said: "city housing construction reiterated, will strictly implementation ' Shanghai nine article ' new deal in the on non-this city household residents family purchase paid personal income tax or social security years adjustment for ' Since the date of the purchase completed more than 5 years continuous paid ' provisions, there is no policy adjustments. ā€¯Shanghai television news channel, April 21 earlier, it was reported, Yangpu District real estate trading center staff, for non-residents of the city family housing, social security benefits or payment of a tax period has fine-tuning operation, "63 months paid 60 months, equal opportunity can give you 3 months to pay. "This reporter has learned, in addition to outside the Yangpu, Hongkou, Minhang, Pudong, Jing an district, making such adjustments. Views United States policy high risk potential Views United States policy high risk potentialAlso in the television report, real estate trade center officials said, Pudong new area, has not received notification of adjustment. The reporter then called 962269 real estate services hotline. Staff said, for some objective reasons, for example, your job change, so check before you purchase for 63 months, 60 months regular pay, but exactly how, and live trading center to prevail.Shanghai announced on March 25 for the further improvement of the city's housing market system and to protect the system and promote a stable and healthy development of the real estate market (hereinafter referred to as the number of observations), and called for the strict implementation of housing purchase policy, differentiated housing credit policy tight. Which clearly states that non-Hukou households in this city home buyers pay personal income tax or social security age, calculated from the date of purchase within the first 3 years of cumulative paid in this city for more than 2 years, adjusting for home buyers pay for 5 years in a row before the date above.Prior to that, "Shanghai nine" of the new deal's most controversial point is that if you change jobs, leading to disruption of social security how to define. Insiders pointed out that, in fact, for personal development needs, some young people are not always worked in the same unit for 5 consecutive years, workplace change brings a tax and social security payment is not continuous. As before "completed more than 5 years continuous paid" ill-defined, the Shanghai real estate trading center are performed according to the most stringent requirements, that is, for whatever reason, just broken the purchase.