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Xinhua Beijing on April 24, "snail," "pass the buck" and "water float Award" … … Recently, some lazy place for mediocre governance governance government departments issued "booed" award, has aroused strong repercussions."Xinhua viewpoint" journalists combing found that nationwide has been how to treat "lazy" valiant, 31 provinces, cities and counties imposed or action, a number of "mediocre officers lazy" serious enough even for leaving jail. But at the same time, some local administrations "soft" phenomena still exist, some cadres have no benefit does not want to and cowardly and afraid to, credit not as abnormal psychology still exist. Obama on Cuba s historic ice breaking visit request31 provinces "full coverage", the light chain bonuses, accountabilityRecently, the lazy for governance beyond governance governance, efficiency to the public, Taizhou city, Jiangsu Province, the first "snail" findings involving 11 subjects, including related departments directly under project funding fails to implement, mass complaints do not handle and fails to settle issues.The end of March, guiding County of Guizhou province health plan to receive a County, the County Government issued a "water float Award". In addition to "the water float Award", guiding County also set up "pass the buck", "snail" award and other awards, awarded to low productivity, not as a unit."The bird" award in addition to more places to "not greedy, not doing nothing" mediocre political lazy government investigation. Reporters combed found, present throughout the 31 provinces and municipalities have local Governments related to accountability mechanisms or special cadres, slow as.Henan province in 2015 special lazy idle political official is not for political, 2537 people have been dealt with recently, Hubei Province 28 duties, State of mind or play as a problem of cadre organization. 1 local leadership due to lack of spirit of play, safe fear, dare not face difficult problems encountered contradiction, not principled, being removed from serving, out of the post.October 2015, the Department issued on deepening of County "three Suns" special education to address grassroots cadres not as messy as damage on public interest law, addressing grassroots cadres, as public interest issues.Qianshan County, Anhui Province, one of the grass-roots cadres reflected for some time, "not greedy, not doing nothing" really became a part of public works, always felt that as long as corruption, weekday work "take it easy" is normal. But the discipline inspection departments at all levels to "mediocre lazy slow" surgery, zhuadianxing and strict accountability. Don't dawdle, is inefficient and bad services, acted after public complaints were verified, light chain bonuses, to downgrade the accountability.August 2015 to December, the State Council inspection team for a mediocre political lazy idle governance and not as a problem of governance in three batches to carry out supervision and accountability, financial capital, land idle and key project construction delays, security room idle, livelihood projects, capital balances ineffective, major hidden safety and a number of outstanding problems have been dealt with. Regions a total of 382 of law and rules accountability problems, a total of 1456 people of accountability. Statistics broken down by level, departmental level 77 people, the county or division level 469, Department-level and below, 910.Some mediocre political lazy the political prison, three official attitude worthy of attentionOnce, "not doing anything to find defects, does not do not risk, tissue examination did not drawback" cadre "official creed". Now, after a long time of concentration and control, it's mediocre officers lazy officers were subject to punishment by party discipline and state laws, criticized, adjustment positions, serious enough for leaving even in jail.November 2015 to February 2016, according to cadres in Yichang, Hubei special examination results, four batches of 19 performance ranking, the opinions of the masses more and not suitable for active duty adjustment became the cadre of non-leadership positions, early retirement, out of position and even removed from Office. Obama on Cuba s historic ice breaking visit requestOn purge, in Fuzhou issued "for the officers not to" implement "school accountability" interim measures, should be clear accountability for specific situations. Depending on the seriousness, effectiveness can be taken accountable, "class", the party, administrative punishment, such as accountability, suspected criminals, and transferred to judicial organs for handling.In Jiangxi, mediocre officers lazy due to dereliction of duty and other charges in jail. Jiangxi province, former Director of the Institute of agricultural engineering, and during its term not found in time when some companies in the reporting and identification of material fraud, causing economic losses, due to negligence and taking bribes was sentenced to 14 years ' imprisonment.Tianjin, a prosecutor said, from the perspective of several parts of the country to deal with the case in the past, many people think that not greedy, not at least safe, but mediocre political lazy governance also constitutes a crime, neglect serious enough to even go to jail for leaving.Serious enough for leaving the jail, lazy governance beyond governance governance has actually received good results. But at the same time, some party members and cadres and experts and scholars also said that at present, in the national and even provincial level or lack of a relatively perfect system provisions and penalties based on some parts of "the wind".In the interview, grass-roots cadres and the masses, in the regulation of mediocre political lazy governance under high pressure, some public officials have problems can hide hide, can push push phenomena still exist, their mentality include:–Not good do not want to. Some officials fear corruption, gifts not received, hospitality, dare not go, the boss would want to meet, but had not done the right thing to do, and enthusiasm evaporated, slack, or even to stand there.–Cowardly and afraid to. Some officials believe that reform has risks, save risk officers, therefore, prefer not to officers, but only peace that many cadres is not who will be the Director-General, who will "man."–Credit won't. Cadres working longer, relatively old, or nearing retirement age waiting for peace, "landing", often "a cup of tea and a cigarette, a newspaper for a long time."The "lazy" serious face difficult problems, but for "dare" to create an environmentOfficials not to, saying governance lazy governance, sinecures is a tremendous waste of administrative resources, if cadres not good because it was afraid of making mistakes or omission appears to be nothing to do, is actually a kind of hidden corruption, over time will seriously affect the development of efficiency.How to cure Yung Chief lazy governance, government officials do not? Zhou Enlai School of Government, said Xing Xu, a Professor of Nankai University, improvement and implementation of relevant laws and regulations are fundamental measures. Central to development according to the actual situation to revise and update the regulations in a timely manner.Meanwhile, Xu recommended links in the regulations to carry out supervision and inspection, serious accountability, truly capable top, yongzhe.National School of administration, Professor Liu Feng thinks over lazy idle politicians for political "right". Cadres of attitude out has problem, will increased incentive and constraints asked accountability mechanism, enhanced "par consciousness" and responsibility consciousness, promoting its active as; cadres of capacity out has problem, on should help its right understanding superior intent, strengthening capacity construction, as soon as possible adapted new normal; implementation of environment out has problem, on should in implementation system, and implementation culture and implementation process, aspects effort.Meanwhile, to improve the assessment mechanism, objective and impartial evaluation of cadres ' ability, quality and performance. Liu Feng believes that idle political governance lazy governance focuses on performance appraisal, performance appraisal baton ages to practical solutions "do and don't do the same, good do bad sample."Deputy Zhuang Deshui, Director of the clean government research center of Beijing University believes that some officials now dare not to be afraid of trouble, should be lazy while political governance beyond governance, and improve and implement fault tolerance mechanism for cadres to create a good political environment, let them dare officer, officer.At present, each has begun to explore the establishment of fault-tolerance mechanism. Hunan provincial people's Procuratorate recently issued on the handling of the case of dereliction of duty in the service and innovative views on security reform, stating that "in the course of duty, due to force majeure factors, and failed to achieve the desired results or adversely affect the behavior and loss of" four kinds of situations can not be identified as a dereliction.Many experts believe that establishing fault-tolerance mechanisms that draw a red line for cadres, make it legal, compliance, within reason, have more space and promoting grass-roots formation and dare to play and duty of due diligence, daring and innovative atmosphere.