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Alt Beijing rental survey: 13 days detention 9000, tenants were threats of violenceOn May 6, the Chinese State Council information office held a State Council routine policy briefings, at the meeting, Vice Minister of housing and urban-rural construction Ministry Lu Kehua introduced to speed up cultivating and developing circumstances regarding the rental housing market, and answered a reporter's question.Beijing, Beijing May 7, State Council Executive meeting, held May 4, standardized intermediary services, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the lessee. Rental market Beijing, this reporter recently visited Beijing, Black medium, such as tuition fees, charges for fraud and threats of violence from time to time, due to higher costs cause, tenants are facing "activist".KKL chaos-and the threat of violence charge tenant only 13 days detention 9000"The Housing Ministry will soon launch a nationwide real estate special rectification action. "Housing and urban-rural construction Ministry Vice Minister Lu Kehua 6th regular briefings on policy at the State Department said.Indeed, the present real estate agents need to be under control. According to Beijing in 2014 to over more than 30,000 young people survey on housing, 43.8% people have indicated that they have encountered in the process of renting Agency some of the bad behavior, even black mediation, fraud, agency fees and other issues.Beijing office worker Han Yang had suffered from KKL. Han Yang told Xinhua Beijing, reporter, last May in tiantong Yuan to rent a room, but I didn't know it was a mandatory fee Agency asked him to advance health, heating, 4000, but it is not written in the contract. ATM number intermediary force and he proposed 4000 Yuan, some even holding chains, threatening "force without pay."Relatives arrive in the night "backed" Hanyang did not give money to intermediaries, but the intermediary tore up the contract, and demanded that he move immediately. From arrival to move out, Han Yang only stayed for 13 days, making a total of nearly 9000. Intermediary on the grounds of default, not a penny to return. Han Yang told reporters, Tian Tong Yuan with dozens of tenants and he was the same intermediary "bullying", intermediaries and even called assault tenants of society. Ghost money high imitation of RMB rampant illegalIn addition to the threat of violence, bad invent all sorts of fees also tenants complain incessantly. Li Qingyun, Xicheng District, Beijing tenants told reporters that mediation to "collect health costs" by charging its 365, but as a rule, Li Qingyun of rented houses only 24 per year costs, that is to say, mediating overcharged health costs 14 times. In addition, Li Qingyun of rented housing units pay heating bills by the landlord, but the Agency has not told the truth, still collected hundreds of Yuan from Li Qing Yun on behalf of us.Still see tenants have come to reflect the Agency set in the lease contract of "overbearing clause", such as requiring tenants to 1.5 months rent in advance, one month before the contract expires and actively cooperate with the mediation room, and "promises no less than three times a week", then the tenant "mismatch", seized the gold.Alt Beijing rental survey: 13 days detention 9000, tenants were threats of violenceSome agency issued to the Li Qingyun, Xicheng District Beijing "collecting health fees" receipts.Tenants "rights"-time, energy consumption is not afraid of retributionReporters found that encounters Black medium, but tenants generally encounter "rights", some tenants due to time and money concerns and give up the rights, also condoned wrongdoing in KKL objectively."Long time, money's worth, fear of suffering reprisals", many tenants are reluctant to human rights concerns. Han Yang said, in the face of black after mediation, he and some tenants have called the police, but up to now has been in the past for almost a year, but still did not get his money back.Lawyer with Beijing times nine and yanbing said, accepting rent dispute-related case, Court of first instance to 3-6 months, dragged to a second trial may take up to 1 year. In addition, judging from the money, tenants who want to take back the security deposit or rent of only thousands of Yuan, but attorney fees and court costs will generally be more than 4000 Yuan, many people would consider a.Yanbing believes that tenants "rights" is another important reason, many agency contracts do not allow modification, inside the "overbearing clause" overprotective intermediaries benefit tenants is difficult to pass the law again proved "overbearing clause" is not valid. Coupled with the large company has a huge legal team, tenants want to win even more difficult.Strengthening regulation-special regulation cleared the black sheepReal estate agency turmoil sparked official concern. On May 4, a State Council Executive meeting, strengthen supervision and implementation of Unified contract demonstration text, standardized intermediary services, stable rental, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the lessee.Lu Kehua said the Housing Ministry is about to launch a real estate agents nationwide special rectification action. For violations of Agency, ordered to change around the whole entered into a credit file, cancel the eligibility for online sign up serious fines in accordance with law, and blacklisted. To seriously investigate a number of illegal institutions, exposing a number of typical cases, black sheep out of the market, safeguard the interests of the masses. Ghost money high imitation of RMB rampant illegalAs renters, in addition to the Court of appeal, are there any other ways to defend their legitimate rights and interests? Yanbing said affected tenants can complain to councils, "mediation councils have the power to license violation administrative penalties or even cancellation of licences, and to ban unlicensed intermediary."In addition, yanbing remind the tenant should not freeloaders, you should try to choose a formal mediation and audit operator Fang Ben information, read the contract carefully, and pay attention to collecting evidence, in case of interest in case of disputes are difficult to maintain. (Respondents required, some characters in the text for a pseudonym)