BRIC News A log of everyday life

Alt On September 4 and 5th high-speed rail stop in Hangzhou? The Shanghai Railway Bureau: not receiving notificationsLocal Hangzhou high-speed rail tickets are available for sale in the normal.In recent days, a message circulating on the app, and Twitter: September 4-5th national high-speed CRH trains will not stop in Hangzhou, Hangzhou East railway station, temporary station. Really the thing?Network information or reminder: Please buy the above dates tickets, travellers to station more than timely refund or change business, or in Tongxiang, Haining, Zhejiang deqing, huzhou, Zhuji, Shaoxing, keqiao, station, above the station, the station does not charge a fee. If you are buying a Nanjing-Hangzhou East ticket, then you can get off at North Station in Shaoxing, do not charge, Hangzhou, Shaoxing, East-North Station … … Taiwan University City 1693 students this yearReporter 12306 website, currently around Hangzhou high-speed rail tickets are available for sale in the normal, a few days before and after September 4, 5th and tickets are not cancelled or more information. Shanghai Railway Bureau stakeholders told reporters that no such notification has been received. Information on train operation adjustment, railway departments 12306 rail service posted on the site in a timely manner. Taiwan University City 1693 students this yearThe Shanghai Railway Bureau said, the current route, site, and stop, is uniformly according to the requirements of China railway company, and so far, the Shanghai Railway Bureau has not yet received special requirements for Chinese railway company to stop. Tourists with travel demand, should be based on the Shanghai Railway Bureau official on Twitter @ iron information published shall prevail, don't take to unverified information, so as not to delay the trip.(Original title: September 4 and 5th high-speed rail stop in Hangzhou? The Shanghai Railway Bureau: has not received the relevant notice)

Opening ceremony for primary school students in Henan province collapsed? Officials say hot and 5 chest tightness and dizziness

Alt Opening ceremony for primary school students in Henan province collapsed? Officials say hot and 5 chest tightness and dizzinessZhengdong new district road juyuan elementary school convocation ceremony, several students fainted. Wen Neitu came from the River • River client Grassland days first holiday after the restorationOn August 25, zhengdong, Zhengzhou city, Henan province, in juyuan road primary school school network school students than the school ceremonies collapsed. The morning of 26th, zhengdong new district staff for education and sports in response to surging News (www.thepaper.CN) says there are 5 students appeared in the opening ceremony of chest tightness, dizziness, examined by medical personnel, 2 students from heat exhaustion, 3 students partly due to have weak constitutions, no big deal.The Dahe daily reported on August 26, the morning of 25th, in juyuan in the opening ceremony of the road primary school, many students appeared, such as vomiting, chest discomfort, parents say, 3 third-grade students fainted on the spot. Juyuan Lu primary school principal Mr Li received the Dahe daily, said in an interview, opening ceremony held at the open space in front of the u-shaped building of the school, many students during the summer vacation contest awards to recognize that "everyone is happy, but suddenly have fainted."Alt Opening ceremony for primary school students in Henan province collapsed? Officials say hot and 5 chest tightness and dizzinessThe night of 25th, juyuan road elementary school in official letters to the public, "juyuan of zhengdong road primary school" release notes said, because of the hot weather, there are 5 students chest tightness, dizziness, examined by medical personnel to determine 2 students for heat exhaustion, 3 students caused by the weaker, and no big deal. After a short break, 5 students back to classes.Alt Opening ceremony for primary school students in Henan province collapsed? Officials say hot and 5 chest tightness and dizzinessNew floor decoration odor problems that some parents, elementary school in juyuan Lu said in a briefing note, the school will be under the supervision of jiaweihui, in collaboration with environmental protection departments on new teaching building of again testing indoor air, while teaching culture and Sports Bureau and has coordinated the electricity sector in the repair of the school to ensure that new school building ventilation system and air conditioning put into use over the weekend.The morning of 26th, zhengdong new district staff for education and sports said that the event handling is subject to inform the school, juyuan school road primary school has been delayed. Grassland days first holiday after the restoration

Changsha, August 18 Reuters new media, a few days ago, general opinion hot sands, President of the railway station waiting rooms don't have air conditioning, temperatures as high as 37 degrees Celsius, the heat make called "help". However, if the passenger is willing to spend 30 yuan, you can enjoy strong business waiting room air conditioners, can also queue priority bus. This caused public revulsion, questioning train station to economic interests and ignores the humanization of basic public services.Face questioning, Changsha railway station responded that electricity quota is higher because the station waiting room temperature, voltage instability, causes the air conditioner to not running at full capacity. Changsha electricity sector has responded that provide station power supply and power supply, without limiting its power load.Reporters found that the argument of the Changsha railway station. Local cadres and the masses to challenge, pay money to blow air conditioner behind whether or not there is blending? This approach is not only the indifference to the interests of the people, and undermines the image of civilized cities, Changsha. Female college students naked lending announcedWaiting room heat as the steamer blows air conditioning needed to pay extraSustained high temperatures, Changsha intolerable summer heat. General stations, shopping malls, subways and other crowded public areas are relatively cool by air conditioning. However, the Changsha railway station waiting room, indoor and outdoor temperature are almost as high, people in blistering heat.According to local media, field measurements, noon, outdoor temperatures up to 37 degrees Celsius. Changsha railway station four common waiting room temperature has reached the 35-37 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, overcrowded waiting room, the atmosphere was sultry, and many tourists sitting bare to the waist in the hallway, lying on the floor, or even just waiting outside the station.A long-term business trip by train passengers told reporters that the waiting room staff gathered, combined with the summer peak, such as boiling hot, but somehow just don't turn on the air conditioner. "I've been to many railway stations, few have no air conditioning, not to mention the Changsha or station. ”According to the inquiry of Changsha railway station waiting room "hot as the steamer" situation lasted at least one year. Since last summer, reporters waiting on the site found that the Changsha railway station waiting room really hot and unbearable. Especially in the evening, more train delays, many passengers waiting in advance and have to in the heat of the waiting room, "suffering".And general waiting room, "fiery" scene is in stark contrast, in a central location of Changsha railway station "business waiting room" is nice and cool. "Open air conditioning, do not line up, get ahead……" with a headset with speakers in the Hall to recruit staff, "a blow air conditioner", but need to pay 20-30 yuan per person.Reporters also saw business waiting room staff ran to the general waiting room with no air conditioning, "hard sell," open with "air-conditioned, early train" inducing their spending. When a reporter questioned the charges are too high and unreasonable, the staff immediately cast a scornful eyes.30 yuan rate is not low, but there are still passengers were forced to choose to pay "air conditioning". "Trains are often delayed for one or two hours, other waiting room is too hot, can't wait, he went to charge the waiting room. "Passengers, Mr Chan said.Station load tension electricity said power supply Female college students naked lending announcedFor questions, the Changsha railway station responded to reporters, passenger waiting room has central air conditioning and refrigeration, the original central air conditioning running since 1995, through years of aging, equipment failure, and other factors, the station has invested funds to replace the central air conditioning chiller, the purchase of a new air-conditioning system and put into use.Changsha railway station, old central air conditioning is diesel-powered, new air conditioning is an electronic unit, after oil, power nervous, voltage instability. Coupled with the Changsha railway station is currently undergoing construction of Chang-Zhu-Tan intercity railway, intercity railway station to ensure successful opening at the end of this year, using a number of heavy electrical equipment, and lead to new central air conditioning not running at full capacity.In response to this argument, Changsha 17th afternoon responded to reporters by the power company, has always been, the electricity sector is the Changsha railway station as one of the most important users, focusing on its normal power supply."The Changsha railway station and ancillary facilities and sites from Mawangdui, Yao, Ling, benevolent rule 3, a 110,000-volt substation, four 10,000-volt lines to its dedicated power supply. Recently, the Changsha railway station power supply lines running smoothly, the power supply, without limiting its power load situations. "Changsha power company reported.Changsha a Department head, said the power company, the station cannot be blamed without air conditioning power shortage because of the station's power supply has been steady.Many passengers question the Changsha railway station "electric tensions" argument, that station is only "benefits smoking" excuse. Why the waiting room air conditioner to start, general waiting room shortage in electricity load? Passengers think the station approach incomprehensible, more out of money considerations.Changsha city CPPCC Committee member, Director of the culture and Education Committee Chen 忞 survey station waiting room in the field "temperature" post, it is Changsha, rage against the railway station waiting rooms "shameless".Hot: public service institutions "first" thinking workChangsha railway station waiting rooms "ice fire" was revealed, caused widespread concern in the community, local cadres and masses in General criticized the lack of basic public services in the bottom line of thinking.In Changsha, a senior media official said that from one point of view, closed and stuffy waiting environment unfavorable to the passenger's health, are prone to heat stroke, dehydration and other life-threatening conditions, particularly the driver passengers are tired of, comfortable waiting environment passengers should enjoy basic public services. But Changsha railway station with passenger demand long ignored, shows its indifference to the interests of the masses."Waiting room temperature, is a measure of the conscience. "Members of the public, Wu said, many people take the train in order to save money, a single ticket and maybe only dozens of Yuan, but blowing air out twenty or thirty, their waiting room" be so hardhearted as to conscience. "After media reports raised strong concerns in Changsha railway station on 17th disclosed has started emergency treatment. First analyses the problems of illegal publicity soliciting business waiting room renovation, and business waiting room has been shut down reform; the second is "joint programmes of study on the power supply unit measures air conditioning in Changsha will be temporary transitional measures and capacity expansion of power lines, waiting rooms central air-conditioning will be running from August 20."Head of the Changsha railway station, Changsha railway station is currently in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan intercity railway into construction, comes as the summer peak, passengers waiting due to work are not in place to experience poor, expressed deep regret at the station.Lasted for more than a year has been no railway departments attach importance to, and now, after media exposure, within three days can get air conditioning back up and running. Visible, personalized key to public service, is not whether or not able to do, but whether relevant Department is willing to do.Business waiting room staff "pay air conditioning blowing" temporarily silence the cries, who knows what will come back?

Xian a network about truck drivers allegedly touched his leg hit the chest to kiss female passenger has been detained

On August 10, the information Twitter account post said Xian, on August 3, a woman wears a skirt when you take the network about the car driver was a man of molesting: touch the thighs, chest and kiss hit. Yanta branch in XI ' an City Public Security Bureau staff to a surging News (www.thepaper.CN) said that the current penalties for drivers concerned implementation of security detention. Jiangxi Yanshan judicial autopsy report evidence Jiangxi Yanshan judicial autopsy report evidenceMicro-Bo post information said, August 3 late, Xian City a woman and sister with a taxi software called car, from Dong Guan are street to East three Yao primary school near; dressed in skirt of woman sat in Deputy driving, way was male driver first touch thigh, then touch chest, arrived destination Hou also was forced Kiss; incident Hou number days, male driver has been harassment female passengers, which alarm.

Xian a network about truck drivers allegedly touched his leg hit the chest to kiss female passenger has been detained

On August 10, the information Twitter account post said Xian, on August 3, a woman wears a skirt when you take the network about the car driver was a man of molesting: touch the thighs, chest and kiss hit. Yanta branch in XI ' an City Public Security Bureau staff to a surging News (www.thepaper.CN) said that the current penalties for drivers concerned implementation of security detention. Jiangxi Yanshan judicial autopsy report evidence Jiangxi Yanshan judicial autopsy report evidenceMicro-Bo post information said, August 3 late, Xian City a woman and sister with a taxi software called car, from Dong Guan are street to East three Yao primary school near; dressed in skirt of woman sat in Deputy driving, way was male driver first touch thigh, then touch chest, arrived destination Hou also was forced Kiss; incident Hou number days, male driver has been harassment female passengers, which alarm.

Regulatory detail into market risk? Agencies say the regulatory fine no problem, as long as institutionalized on the line

Reorganization of abortion occurs frequently, special inspection and instruction the alignment of the window, and even being the contrarian trading exchange information, present a share is monitoring how much firepower is fierce?On August 4, the Xinhua economic information daily reported that preliminary statistics show that only since July, under the influence of policy change, Shenzhen has just 52 listed companies (including undisclosed plan) is announcing the end of major assets restructuring, including SSE 18 34, SSE, the main reason for termination was concentrated in securities market environment and changes in regulatory policies.Further ahead, on July 28, the renfu medicine (600079) announced that SSE received inquiry letters. Among them, one sentence in the letter of inquiry "on that day (July 27), the Shanghai composite lost 1.91%, but your stock market trading", raised on whether the current regulatory detailed discussion in the industry.Financial media on August 1 was published on the front page entitled "man hands" or needs to reflect on the "regulatory fine" has become the biggest market of the risk, said may, now has come the time for serious reflection on specific details of control.Alt Regulatory detail into market risk? Agencies say the regulatory fine no problem, as long as institutionalized on the lineThis of course is only the statements.Minsheng securities chief strategist Li Shaojun also recently pointed out in his research report, strengthening of financial supervision and investor sentiment caused a disturbance, worries after a short gain some free, heated market sentiment gradually eased. The medium and long term, regulation will help improve market regulation, promoting the healthy development of the capital market.An unnamed securities chief analyst's view is, in any case, the regulatory fine no problem, as long as the "institutionalized" on the line."Contrarian trading" will be named as usual?Recently, the concern is a case, the renfu medicine (600079) received a letter of a letter of inquiry.The evening of July 28, renfu medical bulletin said the SSE received inquiry letters. Among them, the SSE has a statement "today (July 27), the Shanghai composite lost 1.91%, but your stock market trading" on July 28, the renfu Pharmaceuticals has suspended one day. This prompted discussion on the exchange of regulatory detailed.Analysts believe that the SSE on men Fu medical inquiries, intended to purge the current "research report".On July 29, the SSE reiterated that could make a serious impact on the company's share price will continue to be to regulate brokerage research reports. SSE's case the same day, in the outside world, points was on July 27, is governed by the relevant research reports to stimulate trading renfu medicine.Moreover, such inquiries are not alone.According to SSE data disclosure, in July this year, day-to-day supervision of such letters were issued by SSE company regulator, 63. Where regulatory inquiries such letters, 44, such letters of regulation 19. Furthermore, SSE has two weeks to market public securities issued a trade regulation case involving call auction, PLM, false declaration, strengthening trend of false declarations, false reporting and inventory in the unusual Declaration by behavior.Letter of inquiry is not arbitrary.According to the Word Press (www.thepaper.CN), such as SSE issued letters of inquiry are required to undergo the trial, review and file keeping in mind the 3 steps, so they sent a letter of inquiry process is not "brains" self-will. Published letters of inquiry standards, surging insider told the news of the close supervision, mainly under the listing rules, the specific case, this requires professional judgment.It is to be noted that, letters of inquiry are not made specially for the contrarian trading unit.Also risen dramatically in recent days, there are master sink (300506), Yangtze River investment (600119) and Langfang development (600149). Langfang has 3 trading days in a row limit, within 4 days or as high as 42.05%. But as of press time, all 3 companies are not due to exception gains were stopped.The securities daily, in a front-page review on August 1, also wrote that Exchange is not just for "trading" behavior, if irregularities on the fallen Panel, the same regulatory measures will be taken. Therefore, the supervision of unusual transactions not weigh on the market, but to regulate the market.Alt Regulatory detail into market risk? Agencies say the regulatory fine no problem, as long as institutionalized on the lineInvestment Bank to reign in the wind to the new BoardIn addition to the listed companies, securities investment banks are increasingly strict regulation of rhythm. Alibaba joined the international coalition againstSome brokerages headquartered in Beijing investment surging news that now feels more rigid supervision, file, and "even the new ban had window guidance".The person to the emotion news, August 3, national SME share transfer system (hereinafter: the unit transfer system, known as the "new Board") in hosting brokerage core guidelines on training, the brokerage announced core staff listed on the standard, seven issues such as quality of capital, financial accounting, said kernel trouble listing broker is revoked or recommend services.So-called core sector, according to the national SME share transfer system to host the brokerage core guidelines (for trial implementation), core institutions should be independent of the recommended business unit, on recommended business involving the recommended file and listing application, due diligence work papers carefully verified and independently exercise their professional judgement.Previously on July 25, the CSRC also sponsor special training organized, clear a series of ideas for IPO tighten supervision, including into the overall sponsorship business security companies will be considered within the risk control system; investment bank on major issues, does not eliminate the possibility of licence for the sponsor recover.While, SFC on again financing audit added two big window Guide: a is company of holding shareholders or holds company shares 5% above of shareholders, through non-public issued stock gets listed company shares of, should directly subscription made, shall not through funding tube products or limited partnership, form participation subscription; II is raised funds investment project of investment constitute in the, raised funds shall not for paid employees wage, and purchase raw materials, business sex spending; for bedding liquidity, and prepared fee, and other costs, of, Equated to raise funds to supplement working capital.In early July, CSRC issued a notice, requiring local regulatory Bureau, 13 securities companies to carry out special inspection of the investment banking business, not less than 2 weeks time. Meanwhile, the SFC also requires brokers to IPO in the project for a new round of self-examination and self-correction.The foregoing investment surging news that regulatory tightening Investment Bank, can be said to be a reflection on a few years ago, "really loose a few years ago", the source continued, is now intended to use the money to those in genuine need in good business.Another small brokerage investment banker said, but according to regulatory requirements, how to do business or how to do business, cautious on new business undertaking.In this regard, the SFC spokesman Zhang Xiaojun, on August 5, answering reporters ' questions, said that the Commission has always stressed that the securities companies, fund management companies and other institutions, in accordance with the compliance steadily developing asset management business, adhering to the "seller's responsibility" principle, performance of honest faith, prudence management's responsibilities. Recently, the Commission published the Securities and futures business corporate interim provisions on the administration of the private asset management business aimed at radical reform, strengthening constraints, securities companies, fund management companies to enhance the operational capacity of the information management level in particular proactive management capacity, better service entities and investors in a wide range of financial needs for economic development.New rules will releaseRegulation on speculation of "strike hard", since May this year have begun.On May 6, the market sources said "the Commission will stay in red-chip companies listed overseas to return to the domestic market" on May 11, and news that "SFC suspended listed companies across defined, and involving the Internet, finance, games, video, VR (virtual reality) four, and four industry mergers and refinancing have been halted."Although officials have yet to come to this position, but the merger and reorganization of the industry cooled. Alibaba joined the international coalition againstNot just limits on industry, on June 17, the listed companies in order to "FRY" cool monitor again after 19 months on merger of listed companies approach revised. New rules abolished the restructuring and listing of supporting and financing, improving the strength requirements for restructuring to curb short-term speculation and hype.On July 15, the Commission issued a document requiring strict restructuring and listing, comprehensive regulation, including strengthening the restructuring and listing description media before the resumption of the project, arranged on the restructuring and listing items on-site inspections, and reorganization for 5 years full-coverage checks and other items listed.Up to now, has ST lion's head (600539), four-way stock (600838), Ningbo, Fubon (600768) held in SSE trading floor listed companies such as restructuring and listing the media briefing.Among them, the ST head and the like after the initiative to terminate the restructuring. SSE said that description of market restraint mechanism to play.On July 22, the securities Times newspaper said in a front page comment, both quit the initiative to abolish, was unable to request through the restructuring and "termination", only one result: good and good assets of listed company mergers will be more and more, this is a good system of bonuses for a long time on the market.On August 5, Commission spokesman Zhang Xiaojun, introduced from June 17 to July 17, the SFC to amend decision open to the public for comment. From the comments received, the proposed, on the whole, all sectors of society "in accordance with law, strict and comprehensive" regulatory restructuring and listing, curb speculation "speculation" support. At present, the Commission is hold on to collate, study them, classified one by one. In accordance with the departmental regulations establish procedures of the restructuring measures under the relevant feedback to further improve will be released in due course.

Regulatory detail into market risk? Agencies say the regulatory fine no problem, as long as institutionalized on the line

Reorganization of abortion occurs frequently, special inspection and instruction the alignment of the window, and even being the contrarian trading exchange information, present a share is monitoring how much firepower is fierce?On August 4, the Xinhua economic information daily reported that preliminary statistics show that only since July, under the influence of policy change, Shenzhen has just 52 listed companies (including undisclosed plan) is announcing the end of major assets restructuring, including SSE 18 34, SSE, the main reason for termination was concentrated in securities market environment and changes in regulatory policies.Further ahead, on July 28, the renfu medicine (600079) announced that SSE received inquiry letters. Among them, one sentence in the letter of inquiry "on that day (July 27), the Shanghai composite lost 1.91%, but your stock market trading", raised on whether the current regulatory detailed discussion in the industry.Financial media on August 1 was published on the front page entitled "man hands" or needs to reflect on the "regulatory fine" has become the biggest market of the risk, said may, now has come the time for serious reflection on specific details of control.Alt Regulatory detail into market risk? Agencies say the regulatory fine no problem, as long as institutionalized on the lineThis of course is only the statements.Minsheng securities chief strategist Li Shaojun also recently pointed out in his research report, strengthening of financial supervision and investor sentiment caused a disturbance, worries after a short gain some free, heated market sentiment gradually eased. The medium and long term, regulation will help improve market regulation, promoting the healthy development of the capital market.An unnamed securities chief analyst's view is, in any case, the regulatory fine no problem, as long as the "institutionalized" on the line."Contrarian trading" will be named as usual?Recently, the concern is a case, the renfu medicine (600079) received a letter of a letter of inquiry.The evening of July 28, renfu medical bulletin said the SSE received inquiry letters. Among them, the SSE has a statement "today (July 27), the Shanghai composite lost 1.91%, but your stock market trading" on July 28, the renfu Pharmaceuticals has suspended one day. This prompted discussion on the exchange of regulatory detailed.Analysts believe that the SSE on men Fu medical inquiries, intended to purge the current "research report".On July 29, the SSE reiterated that could make a serious impact on the company's share price will continue to be to regulate brokerage research reports. SSE's case the same day, in the outside world, points was on July 27, is governed by the relevant research reports to stimulate trading renfu medicine.Moreover, such inquiries are not alone.According to SSE data disclosure, in July this year, day-to-day supervision of such letters were issued by SSE company regulator, 63. Where regulatory inquiries such letters, 44, such letters of regulation 19. Furthermore, SSE has two weeks to market public securities issued a trade regulation case involving call auction, PLM, false declaration, strengthening trend of false declarations, false reporting and inventory in the unusual Declaration by behavior.Letter of inquiry is not arbitrary.According to the Word Press (www.thepaper.CN), such as SSE issued letters of inquiry are required to undergo the trial, review and file keeping in mind the 3 steps, so they sent a letter of inquiry process is not "brains" self-will. Published letters of inquiry standards, surging insider told the news of the close supervision, mainly under the listing rules, the specific case, this requires professional judgment.It is to be noted that, letters of inquiry are not made specially for the contrarian trading unit.Also risen dramatically in recent days, there are master sink (300506), Yangtze River investment (600119) and Langfang development (600149). Langfang has 3 trading days in a row limit, within 4 days or as high as 42.05%. But as of press time, all 3 companies are not due to exception gains were stopped.The securities daily, in a front-page review on August 1, also wrote that Exchange is not just for "trading" behavior, if irregularities on the fallen Panel, the same regulatory measures will be taken. Therefore, the supervision of unusual transactions not weigh on the market, but to regulate the market.Alt Regulatory detail into market risk? Agencies say the regulatory fine no problem, as long as institutionalized on the lineInvestment Bank to reign in the wind to the new BoardIn addition to the listed companies, securities investment banks are increasingly strict regulation of rhythm. Alibaba joined the international coalition againstSome brokerages headquartered in Beijing investment surging news that now feels more rigid supervision, file, and "even the new ban had window guidance".The person to the emotion news, August 3, national SME share transfer system (hereinafter: the unit transfer system, known as the "new Board") in hosting brokerage core guidelines on training, the brokerage announced core staff listed on the standard, seven issues such as quality of capital, financial accounting, said kernel trouble listing broker is revoked or recommend services.So-called core sector, according to the national SME share transfer system to host the brokerage core guidelines (for trial implementation), core institutions should be independent of the recommended business unit, on recommended business involving the recommended file and listing application, due diligence work papers carefully verified and independently exercise their professional judgement.Previously on July 25, the CSRC also sponsor special training organized, clear a series of ideas for IPO tighten supervision, including into the overall sponsorship business security companies will be considered within the risk control system; investment bank on major issues, does not eliminate the possibility of licence for the sponsor recover.While, SFC on again financing audit added two big window Guide: a is company of holding shareholders or holds company shares 5% above of shareholders, through non-public issued stock gets listed company shares of, should directly subscription made, shall not through funding tube products or limited partnership, form participation subscription; II is raised funds investment project of investment constitute in the, raised funds shall not for paid employees wage, and purchase raw materials, business sex spending; for bedding liquidity, and prepared fee, and other costs, of, Equated to raise funds to supplement working capital.In early July, CSRC issued a notice, requiring local regulatory Bureau, 13 securities companies to carry out special inspection of the investment banking business, not less than 2 weeks time. Meanwhile, the SFC also requires brokers to IPO in the project for a new round of self-examination and self-correction.The foregoing investment surging news that regulatory tightening Investment Bank, can be said to be a reflection on a few years ago, "really loose a few years ago", the source continued, is now intended to use the money to those in genuine need in good business.Another small brokerage investment banker said, but according to regulatory requirements, how to do business or how to do business, cautious on new business undertaking.In this regard, the SFC spokesman Zhang Xiaojun, on August 5, answering reporters ' questions, said that the Commission has always stressed that the securities companies, fund management companies and other institutions, in accordance with the compliance steadily developing asset management business, adhering to the "seller's responsibility" principle, performance of honest faith, prudence management's responsibilities. Recently, the Commission published the Securities and futures business corporate interim provisions on the administration of the private asset management business aimed at radical reform, strengthening constraints, securities companies, fund management companies to enhance the operational capacity of the information management level in particular proactive management capacity, better service entities and investors in a wide range of financial needs for economic development.New rules will releaseRegulation on speculation of "strike hard", since May this year have begun.On May 6, the market sources said "the Commission will stay in red-chip companies listed overseas to return to the domestic market" on May 11, and news that "SFC suspended listed companies across defined, and involving the Internet, finance, games, video, VR (virtual reality) four, and four industry mergers and refinancing have been halted."Although officials have yet to come to this position, but the merger and reorganization of the industry cooled. Alibaba joined the international coalition againstNot just limits on industry, on June 17, the listed companies in order to "FRY" cool monitor again after 19 months on merger of listed companies approach revised. New rules abolished the restructuring and listing of supporting and financing, improving the strength requirements for restructuring to curb short-term speculation and hype.On July 15, the Commission issued a document requiring strict restructuring and listing, comprehensive regulation, including strengthening the restructuring and listing description media before the resumption of the project, arranged on the restructuring and listing items on-site inspections, and reorganization for 5 years full-coverage checks and other items listed.Up to now, has ST lion's head (600539), four-way stock (600838), Ningbo, Fubon (600768) held in SSE trading floor listed companies such as restructuring and listing the media briefing.Among them, the ST head and the like after the initiative to terminate the restructuring. SSE said that description of market restraint mechanism to play.On July 22, the securities Times newspaper said in a front page comment, both quit the initiative to abolish, was unable to request through the restructuring and "termination", only one result: good and good assets of listed company mergers will be more and more, this is a good system of bonuses for a long time on the market.On August 5, Commission spokesman Zhang Xiaojun, introduced from June 17 to July 17, the SFC to amend decision open to the public for comment. From the comments received, the proposed, on the whole, all sectors of society "in accordance with law, strict and comprehensive" regulatory restructuring and listing, curb speculation "speculation" support. At present, the Commission is hold on to collate, study them, classified one by one. In accordance with the departmental regulations establish procedures of the restructuring measures under the relevant feedback to further improve will be released in due course.

Sichuan Yibin two men late at night a home invader killed the couple, has been arrested

On August 1, the Netizen posted saying, cuiping district, Yibin, Sichuan CAI Ba Zhen CAI Sheng village in home invasion robbery with homicide, the couple was killed. Cuiping district, Yibin City Public Security Bureau branch office staff told the Word Press (www.thepaper.CN), at present, the police have arrested suspects Chung, long an, the case is under further investigation.Users post, August 1, cuiping district, Yibin city Ba Zhen cuisine WINS village nicknamed "webmaster" of the man and his wife were killed, the whole body is the blood. At about 5 o'clock in the morning, daughter down the stairs found that alarm. More than 10,000 yuan in cash in the House of the deceased disappeared, cars being driven, and braking track on the ground. The small payment on delivery express shoppingSurging daughter Liu Shengting told the news of the dead, the victim is his parents. The small payment on delivery express shoppingAlt Sichuan Yibin two men late at night a home invader killed the couple, has been arrestedCuiping district, Yibin, Sichuan CAI Ba Zhen CAI Sheng Cun robbery murder scene. Micro letter public, "new Yibin drunk"Surging local source told press, killed Liu couples usually treats people very well, or relationship with the village. Liu Jia opened a grocery store and also sell feed, in the village of modest economic conditions. A few days ago, the victim home and stolen 5000 Yuan, was suspected of "murder".The afternoon of August 1, official Twitter @ Ping in cuiping district, Yibin City Public Security Bureau branch informed the police said, on August 1, CAI Ba Zhen CAI Sheng Cun, a murder occurred, cuiping district, killed 2 people. 1st 15 o'clock, Yibin City Public Security Bureau suspects Chung ping branch, long a. Upon examination, the 2 people confessed the crime of home invasion robbery and murder, the case is under further investigation.

Alt Fuzhou after a girls night phone Rob wheelchair tert-help: does not use a cane tapping on yourWheelchairs blocking uncle and friends runaway thief way, the girls kept at the rear of mobile phones were robbed. Channel network Xinhua News Agency investigations apart from siegeSouth-East network on July 29, "don't run! If you don't have (phone), I used a stick to you! "The night before 10:30, Jin an North Road, Fuzhou jinjishan Spa stays near the door, one night alone girls, phone by a man riding a motorcycle Man robbed, girl grabbed the thief, when shouting, a wheelchair, uncle and friend to come forward to help girls stop thief. Eventually, after a thief wants the phone back to the girls, fled by bicycle.In this scene, happened to be friends "just narrowed for a moment" with a cell phone video, after the picture on Twitter, we have like Uncle wheelchair and its friends Act. If you know the two men who are, please call hotline 95060 sea tell us."No phone, I used a stick to you"Yesterday, the netizens "narrowed again a short while later," said when she walked, uncle and friend in the wheelchair, riding electric snatch girls mobile phone thief has been stopped. Mobile phone stolen girl said, when she found her cell phone when he was robbed, immediately grabbed the thief clothes and shouted for help. At this point, the wheelchair-bound uncle and friend dropped by, his friend without saying anything, went forward promptly to seize electric locomotives. Then, move to help Uncle wheelchair wheelchair, work together to plug the thief."Don't run! If you don't have (phone), I used a stick to you! "The netizens say, after listening to cell phone stolen girl tells, uncle wheelchair picked up the cane, waving in front of thieves, speak. Uncle about forty or fifty years old.See no escape a flying car thieves go mobileMaybe two if unfair on the road, stand up Warriors shock the thief, stealing may be seen is cracked and there is no way of escape, and soon, the thief returned the phone to the girl, and rode a motorcycle fleeing the scene. "It solved soon, probably before and after two or three minutes. "Netizens" narrowed again a short while later, "said afterwards, uncle wheelchair didn't leave your name and contact information, pushed along by friends to Jin an River to the North.The user said, robbed the cell phone man, wearing a white t-shirt, flip-flops, looks thin thin, weak, about 20 years old.Yesterday afternoon, the sea reporters visit the scene, near the canteen, security overview of the nursing home it's a good thing that occurred the previous night. But it soon settled nearby and there are no known party girl and two nice people for specific information.Public calls for the police to strengthen night patrol Xinhua News Agency investigations apart from siegeRecently, rongcheng robbed at night events have occurred in the streets. July 26 at 11 o'clock in the evening, retreating in Fuzhou Lu, a woman in the ATM machine to get money when you are finished, bag was snatched, but barbecue stall near Kwok Cheung Lee stood up, press down the robbers back bag.In addition, multiple female users also reflects recent late night in Fuzhou, Wusi Road, South Road, the West second ring road and other places, single women have taken place the next night shift, hit the young man was riding a motorcycle to hip, hit the chest, such as harassment.The reporter, many people consider barbecue boss Lee Kwok Cheung, wheelchair Uncle this unfair on the road, comes to help enthusiastic people like, and Fuzhou police also called for strengthening the management of security at night, in the event lot density to increase police patrols.

Alt Fuzhou after a girls night phone Rob wheelchair tert-help: does not use a cane tapping on yourWheelchairs blocking uncle and friends runaway thief way, the girls kept at the rear of mobile phones were robbed. Channel network Xinhua News Agency investigations apart from siegeSouth-East network on July 29, "don't run! If you don't have (phone), I used a stick to you! "The night before 10:30, Jin an North Road, Fuzhou jinjishan Spa stays near the door, one night alone girls, phone by a man riding a motorcycle Man robbed, girl grabbed the thief, when shouting, a wheelchair, uncle and friend to come forward to help girls stop thief. Eventually, after a thief wants the phone back to the girls, fled by bicycle.In this scene, happened to be friends "just narrowed for a moment" with a cell phone video, after the picture on Twitter, we have like Uncle wheelchair and its friends Act. If you know the two men who are, please call hotline 95060 sea tell us."No phone, I used a stick to you"Yesterday, the netizens "narrowed again a short while later," said when she walked, uncle and friend in the wheelchair, riding electric snatch girls mobile phone thief has been stopped. Mobile phone stolen girl said, when she found her cell phone when he was robbed, immediately grabbed the thief clothes and shouted for help. At this point, the wheelchair-bound uncle and friend dropped by, his friend without saying anything, went forward promptly to seize electric locomotives. Then, move to help Uncle wheelchair wheelchair, work together to plug the thief."Don't run! If you don't have (phone), I used a stick to you! "The netizens say, after listening to cell phone stolen girl tells, uncle wheelchair picked up the cane, waving in front of thieves, speak. Uncle about forty or fifty years old.See no escape a flying car thieves go mobileMaybe two if unfair on the road, stand up Warriors shock the thief, stealing may be seen is cracked and there is no way of escape, and soon, the thief returned the phone to the girl, and rode a motorcycle fleeing the scene. "It solved soon, probably before and after two or three minutes. "Netizens" narrowed again a short while later, "said afterwards, uncle wheelchair didn't leave your name and contact information, pushed along by friends to Jin an River to the North.The user said, robbed the cell phone man, wearing a white t-shirt, flip-flops, looks thin thin, weak, about 20 years old.Yesterday afternoon, the sea reporters visit the scene, near the canteen, security overview of the nursing home it's a good thing that occurred the previous night. But it soon settled nearby and there are no known party girl and two nice people for specific information.Public calls for the police to strengthen night patrol Xinhua News Agency investigations apart from siegeRecently, rongcheng robbed at night events have occurred in the streets. July 26 at 11 o'clock in the evening, retreating in Fuzhou Lu, a woman in the ATM machine to get money when you are finished, bag was snatched, but barbecue stall near Kwok Cheung Lee stood up, press down the robbers back bag.In addition, multiple female users also reflects recent late night in Fuzhou, Wusi Road, South Road, the West second ring road and other places, single women have taken place the next night shift, hit the young man was riding a motorcycle to hip, hit the chest, such as harassment.The reporter, many people consider barbecue boss Lee Kwok Cheung, wheelchair Uncle this unfair on the road, comes to help enthusiastic people like, and Fuzhou police also called for strengthening the management of security at night, in the event lot density to increase police patrols.