BRIC News A log of everyday life

Sichuan Yibin NET kid was robbed on his way to school, it is for the 10-year old boy playing hooky lie

Sichuan news network, June 7, the morning of June 6, some netizens said Nanxi District children were robbed in Yibin city in Sichuan province. Around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Nanxi District Public Security Bureau in the official briefing on Twitter said, checking Zhang snatched reflected not the case, the net "South stream is controlled by traffickers of children escape event" are fictitious.According to police microblog message, June 6, 2016 10:30 A.M., a fake app is maxed out South Stream's big circle of friends, its specific content as: "I see, the two brothers were robbed, in the school this way (way to the Zhong Ling Street primary school), parents should note that doll school or adult transfers." This message believe convincingly, we believed it and scrambled to forward, caused a great panic in the masses, and even attracted the attention of city leaders.According to police, after Nanxi District Public Security Bureau police detection 6 hours of overtime work, around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, checking Zhang snatched reflected not the case, the net "South stream is controlled by traffickers of children escape event" are fictitious.Investigations by the police: party Zhang (male, 10 years old, student) was sent by his mother to go to school this morning, mother sent it to I-Street, left at the traffic lights. At this time, a tummy ache, chest tightness and feel like vomiting, just next to the alley to take a rest for a while, found late for school, you don't want to go to school. He played in Fengxiang community for a while, then run the Riverside Plaza to play a long walk home. Blame didn't go to school afraid of their parents, thought usually in films and TV series and mother on the phone to see the things about children being kidnapped, then told the family he had been kidnapped. Heard about it have known him two women (one of them is the first time in the circle of friends posting Lee), not verified, micro-circle of friends was this incident immediately and called police, leading to the false alarm.Police advise: do not rumors, rumor, adverse effects will be investigated for legal responsibility. Guangxi teacher accused of molesting 6 primary Guangxi teacher accused of molesting 6 primary

United States May sharply weaker non-farm data, probability of rate hike in June fell to the freezing point

Beijing time June 3, 8:30, United States Department of labor announced that May non-farm payrolls increased by only 38,000, far less than the forecast of 160,000, probability of rate hike in June fell to freezing point. But surprise non-farm data are mainly affected by the strike does not mean that trends. Deficit rate is 3 in Lou Jiwei guarantee key expendituresGold rose more than 17 dollars after the data, the dollar fell below 95.On May 18, the United States Federal Reserve Announces April rate meeting minutes if second-quarter United States economic data continues to improve, gradually rose to the Federal Reserve's target inflation level, the Fed may raise interest rates at the June meeting. The Fed's unusually hawkish remarks.So before the June economic data will be crucial, while non-farm payrolls data is that the Fed is most concerned about economic data, an estimated 160,000 new nonfarm payrolls data are only 38,000.Alt United States May sharply weaker non-farm data, probability of rate hike in June fell to the freezing pointHistory before the May non-farm data at a glance.Surprise economic data make the probability of a rate hike in June fell to freezing point.However, non-farm data down to 6-year low was not big fluctuations in economic fundamentals, but caused by a strike, and other economic indicators to improve.May average hourly earnings grew by 0.2%, increased for three consecutive months, has remained. On May 26, the National Association of Realtors released data show that United States pending home sales index rose to 5.1% in April, far exceeding the expected rose 0.7%, a ten-year high level. United States index of pending home sales rose for the 20th consecutive month.Macro analyst Zhang Minsheng securities overseas surging on news that representative of salary growth in labour income, income from assets of the real estate market representative, for families, spend, consume most of this effect are two important indicators, now stable salaries and real estate this month strike affected mainly the data do not represent economic trends.According to United States Government reports released last week showed that Verizon strike for up to a month with May employment data reduction 35100. These workers on strike June 1 has returned to work, but in jobs during the investigation, they did not receive a salary, and therefore has not been included in the employment data. This factor greatly affected the May non-farm payrolls.Market for a June rate hike expectations lower than in July. June 14-15th, about one week after the meeting on June 23, is the United Kingdom Ou Gong voted the date back. So the markets think the Fed won't in the United Kingdom before Ou Gong voted back to market volatility.On May 27, after Yellen speaks at Harvard University, before the possibility of a Fed rate hike in June from Yellen spoke up 4% 30%, 34%; possibility of a rate hike in July also increased by 4%, 62%, hit a record high.Yellen issued a speech that "think that if the economy continues to improve, employment continued to increase, in the next few months, with slow deliberation of the Federal Reserve to raise the overnight federal funds rate may be appropriate". CME interest rate futures showed increased probability of rate hike in June to 34%. After today's non-farm data, probability of Fed rate hike in June is only 3.8%, with 20.6% before the data are released, probability of rate hike in July, from 48.6% to 32.4%. Deficit rate is 3 in Lou Jiwei guarantee key expendituresZhang surging on news that should keep in mind that the original intention of raising interest rates. Raising interest rates is to curb economic overheating of earlier in 1994 and 2004, this time for purposes of preventing risks of monetary policy back to normal and avoid depletion of future economic and financial risks and monetary policy. As the economy and financial market volatility caused by the interest rate hike is putting the cart before the Fed will communicate with the market, good communication is the definition of a specific month interest rate expectations consistency of up to 80% per cent, approaching up to 90%, which requires release of the Federal Reserve signals and statements. For now, the pigeons go hawks no doubt, but Hawk is not full, 6 July interest rate hike seems hasty.Debt wanggeluosi is expected in July will raise interest rates.

United States May sharply weaker non-farm data, probability of rate hike in June fell to the freezing point

Beijing time June 3, 8:30, United States Department of labor announced that May non-farm payrolls increased by only 38,000, far less than the forecast of 160,000, probability of rate hike in June fell to freezing point. But surprise non-farm data are mainly affected by the strike does not mean that trends. Deficit rate is 3 in Lou Jiwei guarantee key expendituresGold rose more than 17 dollars after the data, the dollar fell below 95.On May 18, the United States Federal Reserve Announces April rate meeting minutes if second-quarter United States economic data continues to improve, gradually rose to the Federal Reserve's target inflation level, the Fed may raise interest rates at the June meeting. The Fed's unusually hawkish remarks.So before the June economic data will be crucial, while non-farm payrolls data is that the Fed is most concerned about economic data, an estimated 160,000 new nonfarm payrolls data are only 38,000.Alt United States May sharply weaker non-farm data, probability of rate hike in June fell to the freezing pointHistory before the May non-farm data at a glance.Surprise economic data make the probability of a rate hike in June fell to freezing point.However, non-farm data down to 6-year low was not big fluctuations in economic fundamentals, but caused by a strike, and other economic indicators to improve.May average hourly earnings grew by 0.2%, increased for three consecutive months, has remained. On May 26, the National Association of Realtors released data show that United States pending home sales index rose to 5.1% in April, far exceeding the expected rose 0.7%, a ten-year high level. United States index of pending home sales rose for the 20th consecutive month.Macro analyst Zhang Minsheng securities overseas surging on news that representative of salary growth in labour income, income from assets of the real estate market representative, for families, spend, consume most of this effect are two important indicators, now stable salaries and real estate this month strike affected mainly the data do not represent economic trends.According to United States Government reports released last week showed that Verizon strike for up to a month with May employment data reduction 35100. These workers on strike June 1 has returned to work, but in jobs during the investigation, they did not receive a salary, and therefore has not been included in the employment data. This factor greatly affected the May non-farm payrolls.Market for a June rate hike expectations lower than in July. June 14-15th, about one week after the meeting on June 23, is the United Kingdom Ou Gong voted the date back. So the markets think the Fed won't in the United Kingdom before Ou Gong voted back to market volatility.On May 27, after Yellen speaks at Harvard University, before the possibility of a Fed rate hike in June from Yellen spoke up 4% 30%, 34%; possibility of a rate hike in July also increased by 4%, 62%, hit a record high.Yellen issued a speech that "think that if the economy continues to improve, employment continued to increase, in the next few months, with slow deliberation of the Federal Reserve to raise the overnight federal funds rate may be appropriate". CME interest rate futures showed increased probability of rate hike in June to 34%. After today's non-farm data, probability of Fed rate hike in June is only 3.8%, with 20.6% before the data are released, probability of rate hike in July, from 48.6% to 32.4%. Deficit rate is 3 in Lou Jiwei guarantee key expendituresZhang surging on news that should keep in mind that the original intention of raising interest rates. Raising interest rates is to curb economic overheating of earlier in 1994 and 2004, this time for purposes of preventing risks of monetary policy back to normal and avoid depletion of future economic and financial risks and monetary policy. As the economy and financial market volatility caused by the interest rate hike is putting the cart before the Fed will communicate with the market, good communication is the definition of a specific month interest rate expectations consistency of up to 80% per cent, approaching up to 90%, which requires release of the Federal Reserve signals and statements. For now, the pigeons go hawks no doubt, but Hawk is not full, 6 July interest rate hike seems hasty.Debt wanggeluosi is expected in July will raise interest rates.

Last May, national post promoting the reform of university innovation education file, for one year, over more than 20 provinces throughout the country have launched a reform programme to encourage students, these provinces expressly supported the introduction of flexible, allowing college students venture dropped out. In some places, design scenarios, students take business retention period be divided into 2-8 year.Number issued a document allowing retention of college students take businessA few days ago, Guangxi launched the deepening the reform of colleges and universities innovation education implementation programme, in which "allows college students venture dropped out" provision raised public attention.Guangxi put forward to implement flexible, more students of schooling, students take business schooling system based on the original extension of the 2-5, and stories of entrepreneurship can be seen as the time when it participate in the practice time.Last May, the State Council issued a circular on deepening the reform of colleges and universities innovation education implementation of views. The views put forward, the implementation of flexible, more students of schooling, allowing adjustment of the academic process, retention of school innovation and entrepreneurship.In the context of national advocacy public undertaking, the much anticipated innovation, college students are undertaking a vital force in the team. These measures, was also believed to be the Government encourages entrepreneurship practices.Beijing, reporter statistics, since its national documents, at present, including Guangxi, Beijing, Shanghai, Fujian, Guizhou, Inner Mongolia, over more than 20 provinces have been put around the reform programme of the innovation and entrepreneurship education in universities.In these scenarios, Guangxi, Heilongjiang, Fujian and other provinces further clarify the duration of the Graduate School of business retention, which stipulates suspension of business retention period, from 2 years to 8 years. Among them, the Heilongjiang provides that assessment in colleges and universities, college students (except for graduate students), school business student maximum for 8 years.Hiring entrepreneurs into the College teachers in university lectures to corporate stints running exerciseAllows college students venture dropped out at the same time, how to foster college students ' entrepreneurial ability, is also an important issue in current China's colleges and universities.Above issued by the State Council on deepening the reform of colleges and universities innovation education implementation of views made it clear, for all students to develop courses in research methods, the frontier basis, entrepreneurship, employment and career guidance and other required courses and elective courses, included in the credit management.In terms of teachers, also, fully equipped with strong full-time employment guidance education of innovation and entrepreneurship teachers, and establishing a regular assessment, elimination system. Hired well-known scientists, successful entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and other industries talents, as a specialized, innovative teaching or guidance teacher, and management of part-time teachers.This on the one hand, raised in Guangxi recently announced programme, to include innovation in teaching tutorial system in colleges and universities. Business Foundation courses of not less than 32 hours, no less than 2 credits. University organization leader entrepreneurial base courses, industry talent development and incorporated into the lesson plan.In addition, Guangxi has also proposed to establish a system of industrial attachment training for teachers, teachers of every 2 years at least 2 months to firm attachment to exercise. Lower priced version of the iPhone release theAnd Guangxi, many provinces also incorporate entrepreneurship courses into university teaching.Guangdong encourages colleges and universities to set up innovation and entrepreneurship Club, encourage colleges and universities to recruit scientists, successful entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, investors and other outside experts part-time entrepreneurial mentor. Fujian put forward, the introduction and development of a number of resource sharing in open innovation and enterprise education online course, an online open curriculum certification and credit system.Worthy of note is not only offering entrepreneurship courses, College of Zhejiang has gone further by building venture. Zhejiang clear by March 2016, construction of colleges and universities in the province General College of entrepreneurship, and improving the management system and operational mechanism.University College students ' entrepreneurship "red envelopes"In addition, funding is also many students "venture" a big problem. To this end, to promote innovation and entrepreneurship programmes in colleges and universities, the Government gave the college students ' entrepreneurship is designed "red envelopes". Lower priced version of the iPhone release theThis release programme in Guangxi, 2016-2017, recognized for entrepreneurial incubator space, 2 years ' rent allowance, broadband access, funding arrangements from the employment fund.In addition to the subsidy, some allowances where back to business students. Founded for university graduates in the initial science and technology, modern service-oriented small and micro enterprise, Anhui Province will be given a one-time 5000 to 10000 Yuan subsidy. Shanghai put forward, will implement the business loan secured loans, business venue rent subsidies, entrepreneurial training courses subsidized, start-up venture entrepreneurship policy measures such as social insurance benefits.In addition, increase financial support, this is a policy package for many business students.A case study of Heilongjiang, Heilongjiang province invested more than 200 million new college students ' innovation and pioneering micro-credit guarantee companies, specifically for entrepreneurship offers a low rate guarantee totalling 100 million Yuan every year students "seed money", support in school and graduating college students ' innovation and entrepreneurship activity within five years; of 30 million yuan each year to support the province's sci-tech enterprise incubators for college students ' innovation and entrepreneurship to create incubator.Chongqing is encouraging community organizations, public organizations, enterprises and individuals to establish entrepreneurship venture fund, provides funding support to independent business students in many forms.

Last May, national post promoting the reform of university innovation education file, for one year, over more than 20 provinces throughout the country have launched a reform programme to encourage students, these provinces expressly supported the introduction of flexible, allowing college students venture dropped out. In some places, design scenarios, students take business retention period be divided into 2-8 year.Number issued a document allowing retention of college students take businessA few days ago, Guangxi launched the deepening the reform of colleges and universities innovation education implementation programme, in which "allows college students venture dropped out" provision raised public attention.Guangxi put forward to implement flexible, more students of schooling, students take business schooling system based on the original extension of the 2-5, and stories of entrepreneurship can be seen as the time when it participate in the practice time.Last May, the State Council issued a circular on deepening the reform of colleges and universities innovation education implementation of views. The views put forward, the implementation of flexible, more students of schooling, allowing adjustment of the academic process, retention of school innovation and entrepreneurship.In the context of national advocacy public undertaking, the much anticipated innovation, college students are undertaking a vital force in the team. These measures, was also believed to be the Government encourages entrepreneurship practices.Beijing, reporter statistics, since its national documents, at present, including Guangxi, Beijing, Shanghai, Fujian, Guizhou, Inner Mongolia, over more than 20 provinces have been put around the reform programme of the innovation and entrepreneurship education in universities.In these scenarios, Guangxi, Heilongjiang, Fujian and other provinces further clarify the duration of the Graduate School of business retention, which stipulates suspension of business retention period, from 2 years to 8 years. Among them, the Heilongjiang provides that assessment in colleges and universities, college students (except for graduate students), school business student maximum for 8 years.Hiring entrepreneurs into the College teachers in university lectures to corporate stints running exerciseAllows college students venture dropped out at the same time, how to foster college students ' entrepreneurial ability, is also an important issue in current China's colleges and universities.Above issued by the State Council on deepening the reform of colleges and universities innovation education implementation of views made it clear, for all students to develop courses in research methods, the frontier basis, entrepreneurship, employment and career guidance and other required courses and elective courses, included in the credit management.In terms of teachers, also, fully equipped with strong full-time employment guidance education of innovation and entrepreneurship teachers, and establishing a regular assessment, elimination system. Hired well-known scientists, successful entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and other industries talents, as a specialized, innovative teaching or guidance teacher, and management of part-time teachers.This on the one hand, raised in Guangxi recently announced programme, to include innovation in teaching tutorial system in colleges and universities. Business Foundation courses of not less than 32 hours, no less than 2 credits. University organization leader entrepreneurial base courses, industry talent development and incorporated into the lesson plan.In addition, Guangxi has also proposed to establish a system of industrial attachment training for teachers, teachers of every 2 years at least 2 months to firm attachment to exercise. Lower priced version of the iPhone release theAnd Guangxi, many provinces also incorporate entrepreneurship courses into university teaching.Guangdong encourages colleges and universities to set up innovation and entrepreneurship Club, encourage colleges and universities to recruit scientists, successful entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, investors and other outside experts part-time entrepreneurial mentor. Fujian put forward, the introduction and development of a number of resource sharing in open innovation and enterprise education online course, an online open curriculum certification and credit system.Worthy of note is not only offering entrepreneurship courses, College of Zhejiang has gone further by building venture. Zhejiang clear by March 2016, construction of colleges and universities in the province General College of entrepreneurship, and improving the management system and operational mechanism.University College students ' entrepreneurship "red envelopes"In addition, funding is also many students "venture" a big problem. To this end, to promote innovation and entrepreneurship programmes in colleges and universities, the Government gave the college students ' entrepreneurship is designed "red envelopes". Lower priced version of the iPhone release theThis release programme in Guangxi, 2016-2017, recognized for entrepreneurial incubator space, 2 years ' rent allowance, broadband access, funding arrangements from the employment fund.In addition to the subsidy, some allowances where back to business students. Founded for university graduates in the initial science and technology, modern service-oriented small and micro enterprise, Anhui Province will be given a one-time 5000 to 10000 Yuan subsidy. Shanghai put forward, will implement the business loan secured loans, business venue rent subsidies, entrepreneurial training courses subsidized, start-up venture entrepreneurship policy measures such as social insurance benefits.In addition, increase financial support, this is a policy package for many business students.A case study of Heilongjiang, Heilongjiang province invested more than 200 million new college students ' innovation and pioneering micro-credit guarantee companies, specifically for entrepreneurship offers a low rate guarantee totalling 100 million Yuan every year students "seed money", support in school and graduating college students ' innovation and entrepreneurship activity within five years; of 30 million yuan each year to support the province's sci-tech enterprise incubators for college students ' innovation and entrepreneurship to create incubator.Chongqing is encouraging community organizations, public organizations, enterprises and individuals to establish entrepreneurship venture fund, provides funding support to independent business students in many forms.

Alt Beijing rental survey: 13 days detention 9000, tenants were threats of violenceOn May 6, the Chinese State Council information office held a State Council routine policy briefings, at the meeting, Vice Minister of housing and urban-rural construction Ministry Lu Kehua introduced to speed up cultivating and developing circumstances regarding the rental housing market, and answered a reporter's question.Beijing, Beijing May 7, State Council Executive meeting, held May 4, standardized intermediary services, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the lessee. Rental market Beijing, this reporter recently visited Beijing, Black medium, such as tuition fees, charges for fraud and threats of violence from time to time, due to higher costs cause, tenants are facing "activist".KKL chaos-and the threat of violence charge tenant only 13 days detention 9000"The Housing Ministry will soon launch a nationwide real estate special rectification action. "Housing and urban-rural construction Ministry Vice Minister Lu Kehua 6th regular briefings on policy at the State Department said.Indeed, the present real estate agents need to be under control. According to Beijing in 2014 to over more than 30,000 young people survey on housing, 43.8% people have indicated that they have encountered in the process of renting Agency some of the bad behavior, even black mediation, fraud, agency fees and other issues.Beijing office worker Han Yang had suffered from KKL. Han Yang told Xinhua Beijing, reporter, last May in tiantong Yuan to rent a room, but I didn't know it was a mandatory fee Agency asked him to advance health, heating, 4000, but it is not written in the contract. ATM number intermediary force and he proposed 4000 Yuan, some even holding chains, threatening "force without pay."Relatives arrive in the night "backed" Hanyang did not give money to intermediaries, but the intermediary tore up the contract, and demanded that he move immediately. From arrival to move out, Han Yang only stayed for 13 days, making a total of nearly 9000. Intermediary on the grounds of default, not a penny to return. Han Yang told reporters, Tian Tong Yuan with dozens of tenants and he was the same intermediary "bullying", intermediaries and even called assault tenants of society. Ghost money high imitation of RMB rampant illegalIn addition to the threat of violence, bad invent all sorts of fees also tenants complain incessantly. Li Qingyun, Xicheng District, Beijing tenants told reporters that mediation to "collect health costs" by charging its 365, but as a rule, Li Qingyun of rented houses only 24 per year costs, that is to say, mediating overcharged health costs 14 times. In addition, Li Qingyun of rented housing units pay heating bills by the landlord, but the Agency has not told the truth, still collected hundreds of Yuan from Li Qing Yun on behalf of us.Still see tenants have come to reflect the Agency set in the lease contract of "overbearing clause", such as requiring tenants to 1.5 months rent in advance, one month before the contract expires and actively cooperate with the mediation room, and "promises no less than three times a week", then the tenant "mismatch", seized the gold.Alt Beijing rental survey: 13 days detention 9000, tenants were threats of violenceSome agency issued to the Li Qingyun, Xicheng District Beijing "collecting health fees" receipts.Tenants "rights"-time, energy consumption is not afraid of retributionReporters found that encounters Black medium, but tenants generally encounter "rights", some tenants due to time and money concerns and give up the rights, also condoned wrongdoing in KKL objectively."Long time, money's worth, fear of suffering reprisals", many tenants are reluctant to human rights concerns. Han Yang said, in the face of black after mediation, he and some tenants have called the police, but up to now has been in the past for almost a year, but still did not get his money back.Lawyer with Beijing times nine and yanbing said, accepting rent dispute-related case, Court of first instance to 3-6 months, dragged to a second trial may take up to 1 year. In addition, judging from the money, tenants who want to take back the security deposit or rent of only thousands of Yuan, but attorney fees and court costs will generally be more than 4000 Yuan, many people would consider a.Yanbing believes that tenants "rights" is another important reason, many agency contracts do not allow modification, inside the "overbearing clause" overprotective intermediaries benefit tenants is difficult to pass the law again proved "overbearing clause" is not valid. Coupled with the large company has a huge legal team, tenants want to win even more difficult.Strengthening regulation-special regulation cleared the black sheepReal estate agency turmoil sparked official concern. On May 4, a State Council Executive meeting, strengthen supervision and implementation of Unified contract demonstration text, standardized intermediary services, stable rental, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the lessee.Lu Kehua said the Housing Ministry is about to launch a real estate agents nationwide special rectification action. For violations of Agency, ordered to change around the whole entered into a credit file, cancel the eligibility for online sign up serious fines in accordance with law, and blacklisted. To seriously investigate a number of illegal institutions, exposing a number of typical cases, black sheep out of the market, safeguard the interests of the masses. Ghost money high imitation of RMB rampant illegalAs renters, in addition to the Court of appeal, are there any other ways to defend their legitimate rights and interests? Yanbing said affected tenants can complain to councils, "mediation councils have the power to license violation administrative penalties or even cancellation of licences, and to ban unlicensed intermediary."In addition, yanbing remind the tenant should not freeloaders, you should try to choose a formal mediation and audit operator Fang Ben information, read the contract carefully, and pay attention to collecting evidence, in case of interest in case of disputes are difficult to maintain. (Respondents required, some characters in the text for a pseudonym)

Alt Salinity over a 15-year final verdict: price liberalisation, remove salt production area restrictionsAfter the reform, salt system "scheme" and the "monopoly" of power and the market will become history. Oriental IC dataSalinity over a 15-year verdict.According to the Chinese Government on May 5, on April 22, the State Council issued the circular of the State Council on printing and distributing salt system programme (hereinafter the programme), the open salt factory, wholesale and retail prices, cancel regional restrictions on salt production and marketing reforms.Programme, reform of salt Government pricing mechanism. Release the salt factory, wholesale and retail prices, production and operation of enterprises based on cost, salt quality, market forces and other factors determined. Remove salt production area restrictions, reform the pricing mechanism of salt and industrial salt management, encourages independent management, production and sales of the enterprises, and through mergers and acquisitions, such as ways to do better and stronger, provide power for healthy development of the industry. Encourage the production and sale of salt production and wholesale business one. Encourage social capital into the field of salt production, cooperation with existing Sentinel production enterprises.Programme, will accelerate State-owned companies, joint-stock reform of salt industry enterprises, will address the central problems left over from history of salt industry enterprises into the scope of State-owned capital operation budget and Manpower should consider. Starting from January 1, 2017, let go of all products prices, eliminate salt transportation permit, allowing existing salt production enterprises to enter the marketing field, salt wholesale enterprises to carry out cross-regional business.But stressed that adhere to the wholesale system, based on existing base production enterprise and salt salt wholesale enterprises no longer approve new salt wholesale enterprises, encourages wholesale salt production enterprise merger and reorganization of enterprises, other types of commodities distribution enterprises shall not engage in wholesale of salt. Maintain existing professional salt regulation system unchanged, by the competent institution responsible for the salt in the salt industry management and supervision. A woman journalist who died due to domestic violenceAfter surging News (www.thepaper.CN) reported that franchise in salt management in China for a long time by country, salt industry Bureau as "athletes" and "umpire", monopolized salt sales, after changed hands, highest prices over 10 times. Several of the recent spate of "trans-regional in salt" event is controversial, salt–this lesser-known institutions in the past in the whirlpool of public opinion.In the history of Chinese salt industry, national franchise of salt dates back to the spring and Autumn period, extending up to 2,600 years old, Guan Zhongxiang Duke, open beginning of salt in China, mainly to official salt supplement, salt, collector of Transportation Officer pin, put the tax Government salt monopoly price to increase State revenues. Sichuan Institute of technology school of law associate professor Luo Yi told the word news, franchise based mainly on ancient salt industry in order to increase national revenue, to the modern salt accounts for only a small part of national tax revenue, iodized salt monopoly of the main reasons for eliminating iodine deficiency disorders.The 90 's of the last century, for the Elimination of iodine deficiency disorders, the original Ministry of health regulations must be iodized salt. In May 1996, the State Council promulgated the measures for the food salt monopoly, mandatory state management of salt production and sales, Government pricing on salt prices. Then according to the actual introduction of salt regulation. The legal basis for China's salt monopoly are derived from this.But Luo Yi thought, does not have to pass the salt iodization franchise, "through market methods can be resolved", so he thought, salt monopoly no longer meet the needs of market economy, seriously lagging behind and should be abolished.Media have reported that since 2001, the salt industry reform has 6 options always to no avail. On September 16, 2013, Dong Zhi Hua, President of China salt Association National salt industry diversified seminars, conducted a reform of PEP talk, detailed 6 salt modified plan for more than 10 years.Dong Zhi Hua said more than 10 years, the relevant ministries of the State system of salt industry in China has developed six programme, has the original economic and Trade Commission Office of the salt programme, development and Reform Commission proposed salt ban's proposal, the National Audit Office programmes, proposed by the development and Reform Commission, Institute of economic system and management, programme Secretary for economic and trade flows, development and Reform Commission's programme, as well as on December 31, 2009, jointly formed by the national development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of the reform of salt industry group programme. They stopped for a variety of reasons.Media revealed that salinity has still failed to advance, opposition from vested interest groups of the resistance came from the salt industry, directed to the China National salt industry Corporation (hereinafter salt). A salt person to the emotion close to the Ministry of national news in August of this year, Ministry of national convening more than more than 30 enterprises in Beijing discuss the salinity of salt, salt salt has switched to "no". A woman journalist who died due to domestic violenceA salt Insider revealed to the surging news, against salinity in the salt, because salt after the market open, damage the interests of its holding of several salt company, people with vested interest under the salt monopoly system, in fact more than salt Corporation, and provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) salt, salt industry, city and county levels system.Many salt industry analysis, after the salinity, salt authority at all levels may have been "delisted", powers or functions will be transferred to other sectors, "two brands" only one, which holds the franchise, municipal salt companies may also be "overhead" or salt production enterprises will work directly with the County salt company distribution.After the reform, salt system "scheme" and the "monopoly" of power and the market will become history.Salt in the aforementioned insiders said, salt monopoly after the repeal, salt production enterprises no longer rely on "plans" eating salt is conducive to enterprise development and product innovation. By then, consumers will eat more salt. But the sources speculated that after the revocation of the franchise system, size salt companies come into the market, there may be confusion in the early, difficult to guarantee the quality and price of salt. He suggested that, after the full liberalization of the market, pricing still salt price are to be guided and strictly the quality of salt.

Alt Salinity over a 15-year final verdict: price liberalisation, remove salt production area restrictionsAfter the reform, salt system "scheme" and the "monopoly" of power and the market will become history. Oriental IC dataSalinity over a 15-year verdict.According to the Chinese Government on May 5, on April 22, the State Council issued the circular of the State Council on printing and distributing salt system programme (hereinafter the programme), the open salt factory, wholesale and retail prices, cancel regional restrictions on salt production and marketing reforms.Programme, reform of salt Government pricing mechanism. Release the salt factory, wholesale and retail prices, production and operation of enterprises based on cost, salt quality, market forces and other factors determined. Remove salt production area restrictions, reform the pricing mechanism of salt and industrial salt management, encourages independent management, production and sales of the enterprises, and through mergers and acquisitions, such as ways to do better and stronger, provide power for healthy development of the industry. Encourage the production and sale of salt production and wholesale business one. Encourage social capital into the field of salt production, cooperation with existing Sentinel production enterprises.Programme, will accelerate State-owned companies, joint-stock reform of salt industry enterprises, will address the central problems left over from history of salt industry enterprises into the scope of State-owned capital operation budget and Manpower should consider. Starting from January 1, 2017, let go of all products prices, eliminate salt transportation permit, allowing existing salt production enterprises to enter the marketing field, salt wholesale enterprises to carry out cross-regional business.But stressed that adhere to the wholesale system, based on existing base production enterprise and salt salt wholesale enterprises no longer approve new salt wholesale enterprises, encourages wholesale salt production enterprise merger and reorganization of enterprises, other types of commodities distribution enterprises shall not engage in wholesale of salt. Maintain existing professional salt regulation system unchanged, by the competent institution responsible for the salt in the salt industry management and supervision. A woman journalist who died due to domestic violenceAfter surging News (www.thepaper.CN) reported that franchise in salt management in China for a long time by country, salt industry Bureau as "athletes" and "umpire", monopolized salt sales, after changed hands, highest prices over 10 times. Several of the recent spate of "trans-regional in salt" event is controversial, salt–this lesser-known institutions in the past in the whirlpool of public opinion.In the history of Chinese salt industry, national franchise of salt dates back to the spring and Autumn period, extending up to 2,600 years old, Guan Zhongxiang Duke, open beginning of salt in China, mainly to official salt supplement, salt, collector of Transportation Officer pin, put the tax Government salt monopoly price to increase State revenues. Sichuan Institute of technology school of law associate professor Luo Yi told the word news, franchise based mainly on ancient salt industry in order to increase national revenue, to the modern salt accounts for only a small part of national tax revenue, iodized salt monopoly of the main reasons for eliminating iodine deficiency disorders.The 90 's of the last century, for the Elimination of iodine deficiency disorders, the original Ministry of health regulations must be iodized salt. In May 1996, the State Council promulgated the measures for the food salt monopoly, mandatory state management of salt production and sales, Government pricing on salt prices. Then according to the actual introduction of salt regulation. The legal basis for China's salt monopoly are derived from this.But Luo Yi thought, does not have to pass the salt iodization franchise, "through market methods can be resolved", so he thought, salt monopoly no longer meet the needs of market economy, seriously lagging behind and should be abolished.Media have reported that since 2001, the salt industry reform has 6 options always to no avail. On September 16, 2013, Dong Zhi Hua, President of China salt Association National salt industry diversified seminars, conducted a reform of PEP talk, detailed 6 salt modified plan for more than 10 years.Dong Zhi Hua said more than 10 years, the relevant ministries of the State system of salt industry in China has developed six programme, has the original economic and Trade Commission Office of the salt programme, development and Reform Commission proposed salt ban's proposal, the National Audit Office programmes, proposed by the development and Reform Commission, Institute of economic system and management, programme Secretary for economic and trade flows, development and Reform Commission's programme, as well as on December 31, 2009, jointly formed by the national development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of the reform of salt industry group programme. They stopped for a variety of reasons.Media revealed that salinity has still failed to advance, opposition from vested interest groups of the resistance came from the salt industry, directed to the China National salt industry Corporation (hereinafter salt). A salt person to the emotion close to the Ministry of national news in August of this year, Ministry of national convening more than more than 30 enterprises in Beijing discuss the salinity of salt, salt salt has switched to "no". A woman journalist who died due to domestic violenceA salt Insider revealed to the surging news, against salinity in the salt, because salt after the market open, damage the interests of its holding of several salt company, people with vested interest under the salt monopoly system, in fact more than salt Corporation, and provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) salt, salt industry, city and county levels system.Many salt industry analysis, after the salinity, salt authority at all levels may have been "delisted", powers or functions will be transferred to other sectors, "two brands" only one, which holds the franchise, municipal salt companies may also be "overhead" or salt production enterprises will work directly with the County salt company distribution.After the reform, salt system "scheme" and the "monopoly" of power and the market will become history.Salt in the aforementioned insiders said, salt monopoly after the repeal, salt production enterprises no longer rely on "plans" eating salt is conducive to enterprise development and product innovation. By then, consumers will eat more salt. But the sources speculated that after the revocation of the franchise system, size salt companies come into the market, there may be confusion in the early, difficult to guarantee the quality and price of salt. He suggested that, after the full liberalization of the market, pricing still salt price are to be guided and strictly the quality of salt.

April all exit prices in first-tier cities top ten, prices around the collective outbreak

According to China index Academy on May 1 hundred published price indexes, April 2016, 100 cities across the country (new) residential average price for 11467 Yuan per square meter, per cent (compared with the previous month) rose 1.45% 0.45% gains narrowed from the previous month.Is visible, along with the first-tier cities property market tightening policies, Langfang, Huizhou, Nanjing, Suzhou and other cities around speculative demand increases, prices rise too fast.In May last year after prices rallied, hundred House prices have climbed in 12 consecutive months. Overall, the chain price index, compared with continued to double in April, city rise, sequential gains narrowed slightly, jumped to continue to expand, has double up for 9 consecutive months.New home prices climbed in 71 cities, biggest gainers ten cities were: Huizhou and Kunshan and Zhongshan, Xiamen, Suzhou, Nanjing, Zhuhai and Langfang, Dongguan, Wuhan, had no sign in first-tier cities.From increase ranking, line around the city instead of the deep North Canton, up the top ten. This also means that these ten cities rose more than four per cent of first-tier cities. According to ranking first in Huizhou residential prices rose to 6.3% per cent, compared to first-tier cities, rose began to narrow. Shenzhen 2.84% new house prices rose Shanghai rose 0.92%; House prices in Beijing rose to 2.03% per cent of Guangzhou rose 1%.Overall, the chain price index gains narrowed in April, city, jumped further expansion, Rose City numbers have increased markedly over the previous month increased 11.Middle finger hospital report said, Langfang, and Huizhou, line around city speculation needs increased, and prices rose had fast, government emergency introduced limited purchased, and improve down payment proportion, and specification developers behavior, policy, for property cooling; and Nanjing, and Suzhou, city prices level high and rose momentum more fast, Government introduced limit policy, tame prices gains; Jilin, and Changsha, part city inventory pressure still severe, Government through improve loan lines, and give subsidies, measures stimulus needs release, encourages inventory to of.Compared with April 2016, city of rising house prices in April 2015, number 50, 7 more than last month. Among them, Shenzhen rose 59.88%, top, expanded 2.72% per cent; up 31.07% in Huizhou, followed; 8 cities such as Dongguan, Suzhou gains between 20%-30%; 5 cities such as Wuhan, Langfang gains between 10%-20%. G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank GovernorsIn ten major cities, Chengdu fell just 4.05%, the other nine cities, Shanghai, Nanjing or more than 20%; Wuhan, Beijing rose between 10%-20%, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, and Chongqing (main urban area) within 10% per cent.In addition, the number of City house prices in April 2015 fell to 50, reduced from the previous month to 7. Among them, Sanya, Taizhou, more than 10%; 6 cities including Fuzhou, Kunming decreases between 5%-10%.Middle finger Yuan, reports said, with Shenzhen, Shanghai control policies effect, turnover fell; near Huizhou and Kunshan and third-tier cities to undertake some spillover demand, turnover increased second-line cities such as Nanjing, Wuhan deal continues to maintain a higher heat. G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank GovernorsMiddle finger says, to promote the stable development of the property market, Governments will continue to town planning, overheating of urban policy will be tightened up, speculative home buyers will get a certain curb high inventory cities will continue to strengthen its efforts to encourage demand. Price, first-tier and second-tier hot cities around the upside momentum is more full, but with the effect of price stabilization policy, and inflation will gradually slow down.

April all exit prices in first-tier cities top ten, prices around the collective outbreak

According to China index Academy on May 1 hundred published price indexes, April 2016, 100 cities across the country (new) residential average price for 11467 Yuan per square meter, per cent (compared with the previous month) rose 1.45% 0.45% gains narrowed from the previous month.Is visible, along with the first-tier cities property market tightening policies, Langfang, Huizhou, Nanjing, Suzhou and other cities around speculative demand increases, prices rise too fast.In May last year after prices rallied, hundred House prices have climbed in 12 consecutive months. Overall, the chain price index, compared with continued to double in April, city rise, sequential gains narrowed slightly, jumped to continue to expand, has double up for 9 consecutive months.New home prices climbed in 71 cities, biggest gainers ten cities were: Huizhou and Kunshan and Zhongshan, Xiamen, Suzhou, Nanjing, Zhuhai and Langfang, Dongguan, Wuhan, had no sign in first-tier cities.From increase ranking, line around the city instead of the deep North Canton, up the top ten. This also means that these ten cities rose more than four per cent of first-tier cities. According to ranking first in Huizhou residential prices rose to 6.3% per cent, compared to first-tier cities, rose began to narrow. Shenzhen 2.84% new house prices rose Shanghai rose 0.92%; House prices in Beijing rose to 2.03% per cent of Guangzhou rose 1%.Overall, the chain price index gains narrowed in April, city, jumped further expansion, Rose City numbers have increased markedly over the previous month increased 11.Middle finger hospital report said, Langfang, and Huizhou, line around city speculation needs increased, and prices rose had fast, government emergency introduced limited purchased, and improve down payment proportion, and specification developers behavior, policy, for property cooling; and Nanjing, and Suzhou, city prices level high and rose momentum more fast, Government introduced limit policy, tame prices gains; Jilin, and Changsha, part city inventory pressure still severe, Government through improve loan lines, and give subsidies, measures stimulus needs release, encourages inventory to of.Compared with April 2016, city of rising house prices in April 2015, number 50, 7 more than last month. Among them, Shenzhen rose 59.88%, top, expanded 2.72% per cent; up 31.07% in Huizhou, followed; 8 cities such as Dongguan, Suzhou gains between 20%-30%; 5 cities such as Wuhan, Langfang gains between 10%-20%. G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank GovernorsIn ten major cities, Chengdu fell just 4.05%, the other nine cities, Shanghai, Nanjing or more than 20%; Wuhan, Beijing rose between 10%-20%, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, and Chongqing (main urban area) within 10% per cent.In addition, the number of City house prices in April 2015 fell to 50, reduced from the previous month to 7. Among them, Sanya, Taizhou, more than 10%; 6 cities including Fuzhou, Kunming decreases between 5%-10%.Middle finger Yuan, reports said, with Shenzhen, Shanghai control policies effect, turnover fell; near Huizhou and Kunshan and third-tier cities to undertake some spillover demand, turnover increased second-line cities such as Nanjing, Wuhan deal continues to maintain a higher heat. G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank GovernorsMiddle finger says, to promote the stable development of the property market, Governments will continue to town planning, overheating of urban policy will be tightened up, speculative home buyers will get a certain curb high inventory cities will continue to strengthen its efforts to encourage demand. Price, first-tier and second-tier hot cities around the upside momentum is more full, but with the effect of price stabilization policy, and inflation will gradually slow down.